Twenty-Something. Beauty Enthusiast. Fashion Fanatic. Chocolate Lover.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

A Resolution ...

So I started All Emma Loves with high hopes and enthusiasm, promising myself that it was something I would persevere with ...

But it appears that uni, exams, skiing and nights out have distracted me (naughty!) so it has therefore been far too long since my last post! I promise this will change.

So here it is, my (rather late) resolution to post more often, to make them exciting ... and to wear more lipstick!

Thursday 8 November 2012

October Nails ...

 'Charming', 'Revlon Red', 'Scandalous'

I am a huge nail varnish fiend, so imagine my joy when Revlon was on offer in Superdrug!
Being a student and trying to save money I walked away from the stand not once, but twice!However I returned a third time after justifying the purchases to myself, for the following reasons -

1. They were three for two (which really was all of the convincing I needed!)

2. I was in dire need of a new red nail varnish and 'Revlon red' is by far my favourite nail colour, especially in the winter months.

3. I absolutely fell in love with the beautiful taupey purple/grey colour, which is aptly named 'Charming'


However coming to my third colour choice was not so easy. Please don't hate me, but am not the biggest fan of sparkly nail varnishes. I find them a little OTT and very difficult to remove - I spend at least 10 minutes scrubbing with my nail varnish remover before the pretty little glitter pieces even start to budge.

BUT ... Revlon's 'Scandalous' really caught my eye. A gorgeous deep almost jelly like black with large circular, and smaller glittery purple sparkles, I thought it would be perfect for Halloween (which it was), although, as predicted a real mission to remove!

When I got home I couldn't wait to try out my new colours and I gravitated straight towards 'Charming'.

I absolutely adore it, I think it is the perfect colour for both the winter and summer months and really brightens up my day every time I look down at my nails! It goes on really smoothly and has a great formulation. It does take a few coats for a good colour build up, but with such an easy to use brush this is so quickly done and well worth it for beautiful nails.

'Seche Vite'

I have to say, the shining glory of my nail care routine is my AMAZING 'Seche Vite' top coat. It has changed the way I think about painting my nails.

Before, I loved changing the colours of my nails but always dreaded the hour or so afterwards where you are forever in fear of chipping your carefully painted fingers.

With 'Seche Vite' I no longer have that problem, it dries in minutes, and when I say dries, it really does dry. It is completely shatter proof and chip resistant and gives your nails an incredible shine. People have often commented on my nails asking whether or not they are gels due to their professional look. At £9.95 it is by no means cheap, but worth every penny - I would even pay more!

Do any of you have any holy grail nail products?

Thursday 25 October 2012

Bath Time ...

Creighton's shower wash, Raspberry balmi, Laura Mercier hand cream, Apivita mask, Body Shop body butter.

I find bath's the best way to de-stress and pamper, especially on these very dark and rainy Autumn evenings.  I was grocery shopping yesterday evening (oh joy) and as usual, had to stop and smell all of the delicious bubble baths and shower gels. Normally I am very restrained and don't buy anything, partly because I adore my current Ayuuri 'Indian Rose' body wash and partly because nothing smelt quite good enough to justify spending money on. That is, however, until I came across Creightons 'Vanilla & Macadamia Cocoon Bath & Shower Wash'. It literally smells AMAZING and at £1.20 is such a bargain!

I am a sucker for anything remotely vanilla scented, but this honestly smells divine and really needs a 'do not eat' warning plastered across the front of the bottle! It doesn't smell sickly sweet and too heavily of vanilla, which a lot of bath products fall in to the trap of doing. It is combined well with the macadamia and the two are balanced really nicely. I also think it smells a bit like brown sugar - but that might just be me! I'd had a really full day at uni so I thought what better way to unwind than to 'indulge (my) senses with heavenly extracts of vanilla and macadamia' (as is instructed on the front of the bottle) with a nice hot bubble bath.

Considering I was already committed to relaxing, I thought I would throw a face mask and some luxurious moisturisers in there too! For a bath and shower wash, this bubbled up really nicely and also made my bath really creamy. The smell has real staying power (I could still smell it on myself today) and combined with my Apivita 'express beauty with honey' mask, was just the ultimate treat.

I have never tried any Apivita products before, but it is safe to say I will definitely be repurchasing their face masks. The mask was meant to moisturise and nourish and that is exactly what it did. It was a creamy face mask that didn't stiffen and dry on my skin, something I am not a huge fan of as I feel like my face cracks every time I go to frown or move my mouth - it also makes talking a complete impossibility! I believe Apivita is available at M&S, and all of their masks come in sachet packets which make them a great choice for travelling or for someone who is not a huge face mask user and only indulges in them every so often.

I finished off my bath time treat by slathering myself in the Body Shop's 'pink grapefruit' body butter. This not only smells amazing but is seriously moisturising too and combined with the Body Shop's ethics make it an all round winner for me. To add to the moisturising experience I gave my hands the once over with Laura Mercier's 'crème brulee' hand cream, which actually smells very similar to the Creightons body wash. At £13, it is expensive for a hand cream, but in my opinion totally worth it. It is not an every day product for me, but one for a special occasion or for when I need a little pick me up. Not to neglect my lips I smothered them in a good few layers of my raspberry balmi and then tucked myself up in bed socks with a Disney film.

What are your bath time must haves?

Monday 22 October 2012

Welcome to All Emma Loves ...

I have been a huge fan of beauty and fashion blogs for a few years now, and have finally summoned up the courage to start my own - please be gentle with me!

As you can probably tell by the title, I am going to call this little space of the internet my own and use it to document all of my little (and big) loves.

I am a self confessed beauty obsessive and buy far more than my student loan allows (I really need to learn to start saying 'no'!) The same goes with clothes.

Three random facts about myself:

* My perfume is Jean Paul-Gaultier 'Classique'
* I have three adorable little sausage dogs
* I'm only 5ft tall